Samstag, 28. Februar 2009


Bei dem folgenden Song bitte ich vorsorglich die Höhen an der Stereoanlage etwas herauszunehmen, die Tonlage der Sängerin könnte sonst die Boxen ruinieren. Es handelt sich nämlich um die Britin Kelly Marie, welche mit ihrer Stimme Höhen erreicht die dich und deine Umgebung für längere Zeit schädigen könnten. 1980 versuchte sie mit der Wiederveröffentlichung ihres Songs "Lovin' just fur fun" diesen doch noch zum Hit zu machen, und siehe da, das Publikum war gnädig und kaufte diesmal (im Gegensatz zu 1978) die Platte. Wie auch immer, "Lovin' just for fun" ist ein toller, beschwingter Song der gute Laune erzeugt.

Attention please, before playing the next song dimm the highs of your stereo a little bit down. Because it's Kelly Marie, and her voice is reaching regions which could be dangerous for your ears and the ones of your neighbours too. In 1980 she tried with the re-release of her Song "Lovin' just fur fun" (published originally in 1978) to follow her success with "Feels like i'm in Love" of the same year. Surprisingly these time the audience was mild and bought the record in opposite to 1978. However, the song is quite lovely and brings fun...

Isn't the choreography nice!

4 Kommentare:

Balsanja hat gesagt…

My head is in a spin,
My feet don't touch the ground.
Because your near to me
My head goes round and round...

I guess Kelly could never top these "Feels Like I'm In Love" great lyrics!

I have the "Lovin' Just For Fun" Disco Mix from 1980, watch your email any time soon!

DJ Dex Denver hat gesagt…

oh! thank you a lot!

did you knew that "Feels like i'm in love" was written for Elvis? than he died and Marie get the song...


Anonym hat gesagt…

I would also be interested in the long version,please post when you can.

DJ Dex Denver hat gesagt…


maybe in some weeks. or balsanja (who send me the file) will post it? after knowing the lnog version i can say there is no huge difference. only one and a half minute of repeating the chorus and a longer middle part...
